Skill pill #9 – Dexterous Aim

Water San [ 水 ] Skill Pills – DEXTEROUS AIM – Throwing things is your perk. You can collect and launch objects like a Shuriken. This power will be unlocked with 20-plus Dexterity Skill points if you are using a different hero.

Skill pill #8 – Dexterity Plus

Water San [ 水 ] Skill Pill #8 – DEXTERITY PLUS – Being fully what you are it is a kind of magic! The More dexterity skill points you have, the more magic power is automatically recharged.

Skill pill #7 – Dexterity Shift

Water San [ 水 ] Skill Pill #7 – DEXTERITY SHIFT – This perk will make your life a little bit easier in combat. The more dexterity skill points you have, the more the chances to avoid enemy attacks are increasing.